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Monday, December 7, 2009

A periodic disclaimer from me to you ...

--to all whom it may concern. I struggle with a chronic condition and exhibit a lot of brain fog... and fatigue. Therefore, I ask that you give grace if you see a fair amount of typos or if I quote a subject title or such... (not exactly verbatim) but pretty darn close! You can be assured that all the info I post here are from reputable sources that have tight scientific evidences to back their claims, even if I cannot spell their names in a given moment due to brain fog :P

An Independant article about MS Budwig... who authored the not so famous "cure for cancer, arthritis and heart infarction"

No-- she's not well known , and where she is known, she is not well liked. Why? you might ask, is a gifted and tireless scientist who sought for truth and change and to help people to live ... not be liked?

(read on)

Because she held a truth that could (and still yet can--if people would only try and see for themselves) ruin big people in big places who hold big positions built on big amounts of greed and lies.

Please, do not , indiscriminantly buy into the propoganda that only the allopathic route to health can save you.... they are great for critical (acute) care... but not where the answers lie in preventative health or re-building a body to help it work correctly (God's intended way) AFTER the effects on a person who has bought intoand gotten sick from the American (allopathic) midset--(SAD -- standard american diet)-- worldview and marleting systems) --which btw, all work in tandem to make many rich in their pockets at the expense of that which is more precious and costly.. our health and our lives!)

The Budwig Diet for the Cure and Prevention of Cancer

The Budwig Diet for the Cure and Prevention of Cancer

Here is a link to all the files, scientific docs. testimonials, the science of it all--and comaraderie...


click here to join this group or just click below ;)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Just for the record...if anyone is interested or wonders:
I don't agree with all of Johanna B's philosophies.
She was not a follower or believer in Christ... But I do, 100% believe in the science she puts forth and the results I see and hear.

pertinent info.. (just enough to get started...)


Flaxseed oil - cottage cheese mixture (fo/cc).


Each tablespoon (15 ml) Flaxseed Oil (FO) is mixed with 2 tablespoons low-fat Quark or Cottage Cheese (CC).

That is a fo/cc ratio of 1:2. One can use more Quark or CC.

Those who prefer Yogurt to CC should know that it does not seem to have been approved by Dr.Budwig.

However, it is believed that if it is strained to make a yogurt quark (look under "Foods" for the Quark recipe), it can be used as a direct substitute for CC and with the same effectiveness.

If unstrained yogurt is used, 3 times as much Yogurt as CC is required and even then it may not be as effective as CC because it lacks the protein density of CC and may not fully mix with FO.

It is important to mix fo/cc until it is a smooth cream and that there is no more FO visible.
A bit of milk is added for easier mixing

(If unstrained yogurt is used no milk is added because it becomes quite liquid by itself).

A hand-held electric mixer works well for this purpose.

This is how Dr.Budwig recommends taking it for her patients:

For breakfast she recommends taking a Muesli consisting of 3 tblsp FO mixed with 100 gram (6 tblsp)

some milk,
2 tblsp Linomel (see LINOMEL below),
berries and some raw nuts (no peanuts).

Linomel is honey coated milled flaxseeds. As it seems to be only available in Germany, it is usually
substituted with freshly ground flaxseeds, i.e. one tblsp flaxseed is ground up and used for each tblsp Linomel.

For lunch she recommends:
fo/cc mayonnaise as a salad dressing
and fo/cc creme with honey, vanilla and fruit for dessert.
These are both more or less standard fo/cc mixes with different ingredients for flavour variations.
It is good to be creative and vary ingredients and flavours.

The fo/cc mixtures at lunch can add up to 3 or more tblsp of FO. This plus the 3 tblsp FO
that are taken in the Muesli at breakfast can add up to 6 or more tblsp FO a day.

Dr.Budwig also had her patients take 1 tblsp Linomel stirred into a glass of juice 3 times a day.
This is in addition to the 2 tblsp Linomel taken in the Muesli at breakfast.

For those who don't know, Linomel is ground flaxseeds coated with
honey. Therefore, ground flaxseeds can be substituted for Linomel.
One tblsp Linomel is about the same as 1 tblsp whole flaxseeds that
have been ground up. When a tblsp whole flaxseeds is ground it gets
fluffed up and measures 2 tblsp.
Therefore, 1 tblsp Linomel equals about 2 tblsp ground flaxseeds

Some other considerations:
Enzymes are important.
Dr.Budwig had her patients take papaya juice for enzymes.
(Many people take enzyme supplements).

Avoid hydrogenated fats, animal fats, sugar, processed foods, preservatives and chemicals.
Eat whole and natural foods - organic where possible

Prepare foods fresh.

Don't keep foods for the next meal or the next day.

Because this topic comes up so frequently:
CC vs. amino acids, FO/CC being a "new foodstuff", allergies to CC, etc; I'll attempt to add my "2 cents worth of apharmacological explanation".

First you must understand what an 'emulsion' is. There are 2 varieties:
1) An oil in water emulsion and
2) a water in oil emulsion.
The FO/CC is an example of the first type.
This is where an oily
substance (FO) is incorporated into a larger amount of a watery
(or 'hydrophilic') vehicle.

The product formed has the oil 'in tact' but retains the physical properties of the watery carrier, i.e. it is water-soluble and can be carried in a watery enivironment (blood stream) - this is how things like cholesterol are moved along in the blood stream - cholesterol is bound to water-soluble carrier proteins- LDL or HDL or Lipoprotein-A -it can't be "in the blood by itself" - same thing w/ FO or any other oil for that matter.

Therefore, when we ingest oils, they must be emulsified before they can enter the blood stream. The body does this by secreting bile salts or acids which allow the oily "stuff" to be mixable with the watery contents in the intestine (this homogeneous mixture of partially digested foodstuffs is now called 'chyme'). Now, digestive enzymes (lipases) can work on the emulsified oils and break them down into triglycerides and free fatty acids and they can now be absorbed through the intestinal wall.

When we make our emulsion (with our blender - OUTSIDE of the body)
we do a couple of important things:

1) we protect the peptide bonds between the individuals amino acids
that make up the proteins in the CC. (a peptide bond is realtively weak
and an acidic environment - like the stomach - will cleave these apart.
Plus, we have strong proteolytic enzymes in the stomach too (pepsin and
some others) this is why we can't take "protein-drugs", like insulin,
orally - they will be digested in the stomach. Possibly it is this
digestive process, which breaks apart the dairy proteins into smaller
units, which might create the allergens which cause the allergic reaction
in some people. So by protecting these proteins from digestion, via the
emulsification process, we have in essence created the 'new foodstuff'
that Dr. Budwig talks about. The other important thing:

2) is once in the intestine this FO/CC complex doesn't get digested like
one would expect oils to. The bonding sites for the bile acids are
"tied-up" with the sulfhydral groups of the CC protein, and because this
complex is already water-soluble, it can be absorbed, as is, across the
intestinal wall. What we have done is in fact pretty amazing: we have
gotten an 'in tact' oil, with all its precious electrons and double bonds
"unmolested" into the bloodstream. Now the FO can enter into the cells'
membranes (after special enzymes cleave off the sulfhydral groups), displace
the bad oils (or pseudo-fats as Dr. Budwig calls them) and set-up a properly
functioning membrane that "sucks" oxygen into the cell (among other things).
This is how I understand the "magic of the FO/CC" to work.

I don't mean to put down the BioSan products, but I do not
understand how in the world single amino acids can form an oil in
water emulsion, ESPECIALLY in an acidic environment containing strong
enzymes which would promote protein breakdown rather than protein
synthesis (which some people talk about when they say 'it increases
the sulfur containing amino acid concentration of protein').
According to my understanding of biochemistry and pharmacologial
methods of compounding, one would have to take the contents of the
Bio-San capsules and blend them with the FO BEFORE they are ingested.
It would be interesting to see if one could make such an emulsion. If
it is possible, I would wager it would take WAY MORE than 1 capsule
per tablespoonful of FO to accomplish this.
Anyway, this is how I understand her discovery to work. And for
the members who are dairy-product intolerant, I would suggest, as
I've read in the past, to make the FO/CC as described, then try a
very small amount (maybe 1 teaspoonful or 1/4 of a tsp.)and see if
you tolerate it. If you do, try a little larger amount the next day
(be sure to make it up fresh though-everyday, if you have to throw
out the rest of the "experiment batch" , that's Ok, it will be worth
your trouble if you find you can tolerate it (or give it to a family
member or pet).
I hope that wasn't too "scientifically nerdy" and that you could
understand what I was talking about.

Blessings to all, Mike

Taken from message:
This is a brief outline of the Budwig Protocol:
It is important that all foods are electron rich fresh foods, preferably organically
grown and that much of it is eaten raw as in salads and juices, and that it is freshly
prepared so as to supply a maximum of nutrients including electrons to the patient.
Please note the emphasis on electrons... flaxseed oil is especially rich in these,
but it has to be maximized from all sources. Every bit helps and all help is needed...
because the neglected detail could be the one that tips the balance.

Daily reasonable exposure to the sun is very important. Environmental influences
usually cannot be helped, but the immediate environment can be taken care of, like home
pollution (sprays), radiation from electronic equipment can and should be avoided as
much as possible. Also, synthetic clothing and bedding should be avoided - wool,
linen and cotton should be used instead.

**In cases where persons were too ill to eat, Dr.Budwig gave flaxseed oil enemas.
She also developed a transition diet so that patients can gradually be conditioned to eat and tolerate the diet. See "Budwig Diet" in our files. From 1968 on Dr.Budwig used Eldi Oil "R" for enemas. She also used Eldi Oils for body rubs which enhances
the effectiveness of her diet. See "Eldi Oils" in our files for more information.

Below is an outline (not detailed) of what a typical day on the Budwig Diet could be like.
Drinking of water is self evident and is not shown. Neither are the wide variety of foods detailed except a few of them.

First thing in the morning a glass of sauerkraut juice.

Breakfast -
A glass of green tea, followed by...
Muesli, consisting of 3 tblsp FO plus other ingredients
(for recipe see "Budwig Diet" and "Foods")

Mid morning -
Freshly pressed vegetable juices: Carrot juice, radish juice, nettle juice mixed with lemon, etc.

Before lunch -
2 tblsp ground flaxseeds stirred into a glass of sparkling wine or Champagne

Lunch (example)-
Salad and raw vegetables with fo/cc dressing or mayonnaise
(for mayonnaise recipe see "Foods")
For steamed vegetables use spices and/or herbs, nutritional yeast flakes and Oleolux (for Oleolux recipe see "Foods")
For dessert -
A tasty fo/cc dessert crème

Mid afternoon -
2 tblsp ground flaxseeds stirred into a glass of sparkling wine or Champagne
2 tblsp ground flaxseeds stirred into a glass of fruit juice (e.g. pineapple)

A little later -
2 tblsp ground flaxseeds stirred into a glass of papaya juice

Supper (example) -
Vegetable soup, well spiced, add Oleolux and nutritional yeast flakes after cooking

Evening -
A glass red wine

It is very important to avoid unwholesome foods and substances such as
hydrogenated fats, animal fats, sugar, white flour, preservatives, chemicals
and processed foods.

Also, Dr.Budwig was very much opposed to chemo and radiation therapy.

The letter below is one that was sent to our group founder,
Cliff Beckwith, and posted to this group. He shared a letter
from Otto who met with Dr. Budwig in October, 2000.

For the full post, use this link:
(A letter of testimony to the group )
Cliff wrote:

This is a message from Otto Tutzauer. I became acquainted with him through a daughter whom I used to help with bees when she was in this area.

Otto is German, and currently is a widower who spends part time in Germany and part time here with his daughter.

A year ago last November he was to return to Germany and his daughter
persuaded him to get a physical and he had PCa. He contacted Dr. Budwig upon returning to Germany and this was his message to me.

I heard a couple of months ago from his daughter that Otto is doing very
well. There is no other treatment.

Cliff first posted this letter on another forum, Cancer Cure. In that post
Otto's email header was shown and the date made clear. Otto sent this
email from Germany on October 29, 2000, and wrote:

An: Cliff Beckwith, INTERNET:spinner@...
Von: totto@...
Datum: 29.10.00
Empf: Otto Report

Dear Cliff,

Thank you again for the address of Dr. Budwig.
I met her on Wed. 25.
I apologize for not reporting immediately, but in the meantime
I had to spend several days in Pologne, and Dr. Budwig gave me
more than 500 pages of literature to study ...

I also wanted this letter for my own reference, therefore it
may become quite longish without being too technical, I hope.
I will also fax a copy to Yvonne.

This is version 0.1 - I will update from time to time.

I met with Dr. Budwig on Wed. 25. She gave me more than 500 pages of literature to study.
Dr. Budwig looks quite younger than 92 (!), seems physically fit, she is alert and quite sharp. She lives in Freudenstadt, in the middle of the Southern Black Forest - one of the most beautiful areas in Germany.

Budwig's scientific findings:
Her scientific findings have been systematically suppressed by industry, medecine and politics.

All cells need oxygen for living. The oxygen transport agents in the body, Dr. Budwig discovered, are
lipoproteins. These are water-soluble compounds produced by the organism, using unsaturated oils and
protein. The protein protects the electrons in the unsaturated fat. Venous blood receives these
lipoproteins from the lymphatic system before it enters the heart, is pumped to the lungs to receive
oxygen, then through the arteries in our body to feed the cells.

Respiration requires electrons to recover the food energy.
Cell membranes are controlled by surface-active lipoids.
The immune system is governed by bioelectric energies stored in energy depots.
The nature constant
(PLANCKH) is the basis of all natural processes in living matter Electrodynamic processes are
decisive for nerve functions Of course this mechanism is quite more complicated, I still do not
understand the most important aspects of bio-electric, magnetic and resonance phenomena and the
interaction with the sun as I do not yet have the basic knowledge of physics and chemistry to grasp
these concepts.

The oil/protein ratio in our food is therefore important. Unsaturated oil + protein is an
essential food, not a medicine.

If our cells do not receive enough oxygen and building substances, they start degenerating.
Our normal "civilized" food contains many saturated fats with hardening or antioxidant treatment
(for longer conservation). They cannot accept oxygen, and are bio-electrically inert, even poisonous.
They block the circulation, hinder cell life. In addition we eat too much denatured sugar
and proteins (and many other poisons), which prevent normal oxygen circulation, we take medications -
sleeping pills, narcotics, etc. - we are killing ourselves, or the food/tobacco/pharma/etc.
industries (and the medical world) are killing us. The consequences are lack of energy, heart insufficiency,
infarction, muscle degeneration, diabetes, ateriosclerosis, pneumonia, anemia, dermatosis, cancer, etc.

About cancer treatment

Operation increases the frequency of metastases Growth-inhibiting irradiations or chemicals do
not help, as there is no excessive growth, but degeneration; they only weaken the organism even
more Statistically here is a clear correlation between the density of doctor population and
cancer mortality (Dr. MITTMANN)

Another Aspect of what can be included in the Budwig Treatment

Massage (twice a day) - to clear the lymphatic system, massage the entire body, especially the spine, with El-Di (electron-differentiating) oil, then shower hot for 5 min, soap slightly, and shower cold for 5 min. Return to bed for 15-60 min.

Eating (start of treatment, for 4 weeks, recipes and explanations see below, variations are allowed):

Start with 2-3 days initialization on flaked oats and 250 g Linomel with juice (Fermentgold)

Breakfast -
7:00 - 1 glass sauerkraut juice
8:00 - Linomel Müsli, green tea

Morning -
10:00 - Fresh pressed carrot juice

Lunch -
Salad with Quark/3 spoons FSO mayonaise
Fresh vegetables in water, boiled potatoes, etc.with Oleolux/herbs or FSO mayonaise
Quark/FSO with honey

Afternoon -
15:00 - 1 spoon Linomel in ananas (pineapple) juice
15:30 - 3 spoons Linomel in 3 glasses Fermentgold (papaya juice)

Evening -
18:00 - Buckwheat porridge in vegetable stock, with Diäsan (Oleolux),
1 spoon yeast flakes

20:30 - 1 glass red wine

Other rules:

Never keep food for the next meal - food must be prepared fresh
At least 3x per day drink a warm liquid, such as green tea, herbal tea, sweetened with honey
Write a food diary for next consultation in 4 weeks
No television, cosmetics, smoking
Avoid frozen food, synthetic clothing, stress and anxiety
What I added:

3x fitness training (endurance) + short solarium
1-2 hr bike rides on beautiful days
Tennis if I find a partner

Explanations -

Flax seed oil (Leinöl), a triple unsaturated, electrically active fat

Quark -
Solid component of non-pasteurized milk after it soured (separated from
the liquid whey) This is probably not the same as cottage cheese

Quark/FSO mix (the ratio is very important) -
100 g Quark
40 g FSO
25 g milk (the ratio is very important)
Mix thoroughly. Start with honey, FSO and milk, add Quark gradually to obtain a smooth cream,
heighten with honey, cardamom, anise, thyme, vanilla, lemon, pineapple, dates, etc., or dill,
parsley, marjoram, onions, garlic, etc.

FSO mayonnaise -
3 tablespoons raw milk, 3 tablespoons FSO, 100 g Quark, Mix, add sour cucumber, dill, mustard,
paprika, lemon

Oleolux (same as Diäsan - recipe below)

Sauerkraut juice

Linomel -
Flax seed, broken between honey-coated cylinders to cover with
honey to prevent oxidation.


Linomel Müsli -
1 teaspoon honey
3 tablespoons raw milk
3 tablespoons FSO
100 g Quark
2 tablespoons Linomel
Fruit, juice, nuts
Put Linomel in a jar, cover with fruit, put Quark/FSO on top.
Vary every day, experiment

Carrot juice -
Contains carotine, provitamin A (no pills)


Apple juice and Papaya

Diäsan (Oleolux) -
Cool 125 ccm FSO in fridge (use Pyrex)
Heat 250 g cocos fat with 100 g onion cut into 4 parts
Add 10 garlic cloves (or 50 g walnuts or 50 g coarse rolled oats or
50 g whole buckwheat) until slight browning.
Pour this fat through a sieve into the cooled FSO
Stir and put into fridge. Keep in fridge.
Use with whole bread, potatoes, etc. - don't heat.

Good food -

yeast (vitamin B)
Cheese (Brie, Camembert)




Natural sugars, such as dates, figs, pears, apples, grapes, etc.
Untreated rice
Whole bread


All types of Vegetables, raw

Prohibited food -

White bread
Cakes (sugar/fat combinations)
Sugar, cane sugar

Meat (treated, hormones, antbiotics, etc)

all "normal" fats, margarine, fish oils, mayonaise, sausage, meat, Lebertran (is treated today)

This document is also listed in Folder 1 - Introduction.
It is repeated here for those who may have missed it.
This is the page sent to new members. Every member should
print it out and hang it in the kitchen to read daily & learn.
It needs to be followed exactly. Please do not make changes

This plan has stopped cancer & other diseases for over 50 years
The following is an example of Dr.Budwig's protocol. It is based
on her book "Cancer - The Problem and the Solution" [1999], her
cookbook "The Oil-Protein Diet" [1952] as well as on our Files
for this group and experiences of our members.

Most people begin gradually, adding healthy foods & liquids and
eliminating damaging ones. The diet seems simple, but foods are
powerful and can damage or heal a person. The Budwig plan has healed
people of many kinds of cancer and other diseases and conditions.

In liver, pancreatic and gall bladder disease it may be best to begin
with a "Transition Diet". To read more about it, go to Folder 3 and
then read File 1.

Dr.Budwig had over a 90% success rate with this protocol with
all kinds of cancer patients over a 50 year period. Many research
studies done in the last ten years support the cancer-fighting value
of foods, juices, sun exposure and relaxation Dr.Budwig recommended.
There are many testimonials in the Files of this group written by
members who have regained their health by following this protocol
after being diagnosed with cancer - many of them terminal.

To start the diet, it helps to have 3 appliances:

1- A coffee bean grinder to grind the whole brown flaxseeds sold in health food stores, Walmart or online.

2- An immersion hand-held mixer (a stick-shaped mixer), to blend flaxseed oil [FO] and cottage cheese [CC] together so that they become one food, making the oil water-soluble and more absorbable.

3- A vegetable juicer. A masticating or extractor type may give a more healthful juice than a centrifugal type. Many members like Green Star.

Generally, each tablespoon of Flaxseed Oil (FO) is mixed with 2 or
more tablespoons of low-fat organic Cottage Cheese
(CC)or quark.
That is a FOCC ratio of 1:2. Cold-pressed refrigerated liquid
organic FO is used.
Members like Barlean's, Spectrum or other
It is better to buy regular FO instead of High Lignan FO.
[Healthier lignans are obtained at a lower cost by using freshly ground flaxseeds [used instead of Linomel].


About an hour before breakfast, if possible, have
a glass of raw sauerkraut juice. It has cancer-fighting benefits.
Home-made is best in order to get the digestive enzymes [recipe and
video in Files under 'Foods']. Anything pasteurized has lost its enzymes.
But, you can get healthy lactic acid from Biotta juice, ordered online.
Lactic acid in the juice helps the digestive tract work better all day.

Start with a cup of green tea or herbal tea. It provides the liquid
required for the ground flaxseeds to swell properly. That is
important. Then eat your Muesli [Muesli in the Budwig diet refers to
the recipe below - we often call it FOCC]. Cottage cheese, quark or
yogurt cheese [not regular yogurt, but homemade yogurt cheese] is OK.

Budwig Muesli [FOCC] recipe:
[Prepare only enough for one meal - avoid
**Eat it as soon as possible, do not let it sit.
[1] Blend 3 tbs flaxseed oil with 6 tbs organic low-fat CC and 2 tblsp
(no water or watery liquids at this point) with a hand-held
immersion electric blender. The mixture should be like rich whipped
cream with no separated oil within about a minute.
[2] Grind 2 tbs whole flaxseeds and add. [This replaces Linomel]
[3] Add fresh [frozen if necessary] berries which contain
cancer-fighting ellagic acid. [Use organic fruits if possible]
[4] Add other fresh fruit if you like, for a total of a half cup of fruit.
[5] Add some fruit juice [e.g. dark grape, blueberry] or milk if
mixture is too thick.

[6] Add organic raw nuts such as almonds, pecans, walnuts or Brazil
[no peanuts] and, if you wish, raw honey or vanilla. Try various fresh [or frozen if necessary] organic fruits and flavorings for
(from me)...
... We liked to buy organic cocoa or organic cocao... (similar product) to the FOCC mixture so as to make a rich choc. mousse type of dessert. (don't forget the grahams) and also... you'll need a bit of Stevia to help the honey... as it just isn't good at all unless it is sweet enough! ;)

Freshly-pressed vegetable juice from carrot and/or radish, stinging
nettle, beet, celery, lemon, apple [carrot and beet juices are
especially helpful to the liver and are excellent cancer fighters.]

GO OUTSIDE FOR SUNLIGHT! - Sunlight on the skin is
very healthful for vit.D and other benefits [even in winter].
Dr.Budwig stressed the value of sunlight. Avoid burning and
avoid sunscreen and sunglasses.

If you feel up to having some exercise, individualize it according to your strength - DON'T OVERDO IT. Some quotes by Dr.Budwig regarding exercise
"Often sport is very important, but sometimes the
patient should not do this" and "I would never allow a cancer patient
with metastases to jog, ride a bicycle, or to practice yoga. His body
must relax." She added, "There is no one treatment that applies for
everyone. The patient must also feel for himself what is good for
him." and "The whole subject of sport must be treated on a very
individual basis."
One form of exercise that is beneficial for most people is using a
rebounder [a mini-trampoline] because it helps clear the lymph
system and promotes better drainage
See www.healthbounce. com & www.needakrebounder .com]

A cup of warm green or herbal tea. Use honey if desired (no sugar).

RAW vegetable salad with various home made salad dressings which
may include 1 or more tblsp FO blended with 1 or 2 tblsp organic
low-fat CC plus 1 tblsp organic apple cider vinegar or lemon juice
and spices. Or, for sweeter dressing, try FO & red grape juice or
another fruit juice. You can vary the salad dressing based on the
recipes in the Oil-Protein-Diet cookbook. Several recipes do not
include cottage cheese at all. The body can utilize 1 or 2 tblsp.
oil without cottage cheese. Avoid commercial salad dressings.
Experiment with spices, honey or garlic for variety.

If still hungry, make baked or steamed veggies and grains.

Repeat breakfast recipe with varied fresh raw fruits (organic if possible). This is the second FO/CC serving of the day:
three tblsp flax oil & 6 tblp CC with freshly ground flaxseeds & fruit.
Smaller amounts of food are digested better. Work up to six tblsp FO
per day if possible mixed with twice as much CC, depending on digestive
ability and size. Chew very well to optimise digestion. Predigestion
starts in the mouth by mixing saliva with the foods. Try to have your
meals in a peaceful atmosphere. Stress reduction is important.

2 tbs freshly ground flaxseeds stirred into a glass of sparkling wine
or Champagne OR stirred into a glass of freshly made fruit juice.

RELAX...IN THE SUN IF POSSIBLE - Relax to relieve stress. It's healing. Seek out nature, music, chat, laughter, or what pleases you.

Fresh, homemade papaya or pineapple juice. Both fruits have digestive
enzymes if they are fresh. Most bottled juices have lost their enzymes.
Drink the juice immediately after making it before the enzymes are
lost by air and light. You want to get as many natural enzymes as
possible [as well as electrons from flax seeds & oils].

Vegetable soup or a variety of veggies and starch-containing foods,
well spiced. Add Oleolux and nutritional yeast flakes after cooking.
Choices of cooked starchy foods - buckwheat groats (JB's top choice -
digests well), millet, brown rice, lentils, beans, peas and potatoes.
Add lightly cooked vegetables such as tomatoes, spinach, beets,
carrots, chard, cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, onions,
artichokes, asparagus, peppers, kale, green beans, etc. Also, add
spices such as cayenne pepper, paprika & others. AFTER COOKING,
add Oleolux 'to taste,' made with coconut oil, flaxseed oil,
garlic and onion [recipe in Files under 'Foods']. Also use it as a
spread on bread [whole grain, sprouted grain, home made or Ezekiel].

A glass of organic red wine if desired.

The above diet can be varied by the many recipes in Dr. Budwig's
book "The Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook," sold on Amazon and Barlean's
websites for about $10.

Dr.Budwig stressed that we must
and SUBSTANCES such as hydrogenated fats, trans-fats, most animal fats, butter, sugar, white flour, preservatives and processed foods as well as pesticides and chemicals, even those in household products & cosmetics. Also, drink chemical-free pure water if possible.

++ Avoid leftovers
- food should be prepared fresh and eaten soon
after preparation to maximize intake of health-giving electrons &

++ At least 3x a day drink warm green or herbal teas, unsweetened or sweetened only with honey.

++ Stress is very damaging. Avoid stress and anxiety; take time to
relax & enjoy each day. Listen to beautiful music, laugh, do deep
breathing, connect with nature, spend time with people you like.
Eliminate anger and sadness through EFT, counseling, support
group or some method of letting go of it.

++ ELDI oils are oils for external application. Dr.Budwig had her
patients use them extensively. [See Files for information] .

++ Dr.Budwig did not include supplements in her protocol.
Also, as far as we can tell, she did not use drugs with her protocol
and generally discontinued those that were taken.
Some supplements, especially high amounts of man-made antioxidants, can seriously interfere with how well the diet works, as can/will some drugs and treatments (particularly cytostatic [chemo and
radiation] treatments, cortisones, hormones and many pain killers).

++ The foods in the Budwig Protocol give your body what it needs daily to stop cancer and other degenerative diseased states.
Dr. Budwig warned that you should follow
the diet strictly for three years before relaxing a little, but
you can never stop these foods for more than a day or so, and you
cannot regularly include damaging foods or supplements. Doing so
may allow the cancer to return. This has happened to some people

Dr.Budwig's book "Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart
Infarction, Cancer and other Diseases" offers an understanding of
the scientific principles behind this protocol. Her cookbook
"The Oil-Protein Diet" gives practical diet information and recipes.
Both these books can be ordered from or from for about $10.

Dr. Loretta said that it's a personal choice to continue on certain meds and wean off as you can...

I certainly could not put down pain meds right away...

She was also adamant that to do at least the FOCC 3x a day and eat as healthily as you can is gonna give you a big boost in your state of health and if you are not Cancer ridden...

you may only need the remedial treatment of 3x a day and sensible eating. :)

(just make sure you read all before you take additional treatments like oxygen therapy, etc... as they can counteract with the processes taking place in your body and cause damage or even death.... so please, read the material!)

Her newest (and last) book "Cancer-The Problem and The Solution",
written in 1999, is available from
Excerpts from this book are in the Links Section of our group
along with Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]& other information.

To read more information, many testimonials of those who regained
their health with the Budwig Protocol, and excerpts from FLAX OIL
AS A TRUE AID..., click here for the Files Section of the group.

(((go here to read plenty more!!)))

OK... about that dang Sauerkraut ;(

Sauerkraut, Indole 3 Carbinol and DIM

The presence of beneficial indoles in cruciferous vegetables is well known.
I3C and DIM supplements have been on the market for some time. A number of
people on the Budwig Diet take them in one form or another. The question is
whether it is it necessary if we consume sauerkraut juice and/or sauerkraut

Getting it directly from sauerkraut rather than from supplements would
be less concentrated, but more is not always better. At least when we get
it from sauerkraut, it comes in a natural complex with other nutrients.
That must be taken into consideration. And besides - this is not the only
food in the Budwig Diet that counters too much estrogen in the body. The
Budwig Diet also includes ground flaxseeds which help in reducing estrogen.
But back to I3C and sauerkraut.

This is what John Foster, MD says on Weston A. Price Foundation:
"It is very important to eat cruciferous vegetables every day for protection
against diseases that may be induced by exposure to environmental estrogens.
As raw cruciferous vegetables contain goitrogens, it is best to eat them
fermented, because fermentation neutralizes these thyroid-depressing substances.
(Cooking also neutralizes the goitrogens, but also deactivates I3C.)
In fact, low rates of breast cancer in Polish women have been attributed to
their daily consumption of sauerkraut. (Science News 9/23/00)"

Then comes a somewhat familiar line:
"The amount of vegetables needed to supply adequate DIM for full protection
or as part of a program of cancer treatment is at least two pounds daily."

Two pounds daily?!
That somehow contradicts the statement about the Polish women because surely,
none of them consumed even close to 2 pounds of sauerkraut a day.

It is also unlikely that the statement of them eating it "daily" ought to be
taken literally. There must have been days when they ate some other foods.

If the Poles are anything like the Germans (I think they are except that they
speak a different language and eat sauerkraut more often), they eat most of
their sauerkraut cooked.

With all of this, something doesn't add up. Either -
- you don't need two pounds sauerkraut to get the estrogen reducing benefit
- cooked sauerkraut still has some active indoles left
- getting it from whole foods as opposed to supplements is underrated
- getting it from supplements as opposed to whole foods is overrated
- sauerkraut also contains other cancer fighting components
- the diet included other cruciferous vegetables (e.g. kale, Brussels sprouts,
cauliflower, kohlrabi, rutabaga, turnip).

Probably all of the above apply.

So, eat your sauerkraut - raw as often as you can and cooked if you have to.

Making your diet work while on the fly , busy or otherwise harried and hassled

Below are some ideas for making the Budwig foods while working.

1] Drink sauerkraut juice upon waking. It helps with digestion for the day,
allowing the oil to be absorbed more easily.
2] Just before breakfast, drink warm herbal or green tea.
3] Make enough of the FOCC recipe for two servings.

Eat the correct amount for breakfast and put the other half in a small thermos.
Do not use pineapple in the part you take to work. It becomes bitter when stored in FOCC over a period of time.

4] Make the vegetable juice for mid-morning. Put that in a 2nd small thermos
to take to work. If it is in a dark air-tight container, it will keep most of its enzymes.
[You can find small stainless steel thermoses at discount stores
that are glass inside which work well keeping foods cold.]
5] Also, in the morning, prepare a salad for lunch and store in a sealed bowl.

Make your own Budwig salad dressing and store that in a small thermos. You can make enough for several days as long as you keep it contained and cool.

You can also include quality hard cheese & whole grain bread at lunch as well as grains and a warm vegetable. Take the FOCC in a thermos, include fruit.

6] For mid-afternoon juice and ground flaxseeds, you can use store-bought organic juice. You can drink as little as 4 to 6 oz serving. It should be
pineapple, papaya, concord grape, blueberry or cherry. And, it should be as natural as possible - no added sugars - just juice - preferrably organic.

7] For the important ground flaxseeds to go with the juice, which give you added cancer-fighting power in the lignans and oil in the seeds, grind them in the morning and cover them in honey to preserve them. It's important to protect them from air and light as they can lose their health benefit.
Grind one tablespoon of seeds for each of the two afternoon juices - so 2 Tbs. of whole seeds should be ground, then covered in honey. This can be placed in a small jar or placed on wax paper, wrapped, then wrapped again with foil.
Either eat them separate from the juice but at the same time or stir them into the juice, although the honey may make it a little difficult to blend if the juice is cold.
If you can drink only one juice in the afternoon because you are too
full, that's okay. You don't have to eat everything listed for the day.

8] When you get home from work, have a recommended Budwig dinner.
9] Sometimes, if you're short on morning time, juice veggies the night before and store it in a thermos.
This is not ideal, but if it's what you need to do on some days, it's better than missing these healthful foods.
10] A salad bar or salad from a cafeteria or store is not as good as homemade because it has been exposed to air and light after the vegetables have been cut, so natural enzymes have probably been lost and one of the things that leads to health is consuming plenty of fresh foods with enzymes and flax oil and seeds with electrons. So, most of the time, try to bring your own salad to work sealed in a airtight, opaque container.

11] It will take some time to get this routine going. Be patient with yourself and do what you can as you can. It will become easier as you go along.
It's important to eliminate the toxic foods that Dr. Budwig warned against, so avoid meats, fish, anything with sugar, white flour, any processed foods with preservatives or chemicals, most drugs and supplements, damaging fats & oils.

12] Some people who have an accomodating workplace, buy a second
immersion blender and coffee grinder to keep at work to make fresher
FO/CC lunch dessert right before eating it

Weight Normalizes! With FOCC (explanation)

Many people normalize their weight on this diet. Remember to keep the
AMOUNTS of foods eaten at each meal to an appropriate total. For
each of our three meals, we should be eating only about two to three
measuring cups of foods in all, and avoiding drinking more than a sip
or two of liquid with the meal. Raw vegetables are the exception, we
can have more of those. Below is an outline of the diet with
calories. This is from Folder 3 of the Files. The total calories per
day are a typical amount for an adult of average weight. If you walk
each day or exercise in some other way, you can "burn off" some
calories. Also, the healthy fats in this diet will be metabolized
rather than stored.

If we follow the basic diet in the proper amounts, avoiding
overeating, we should NOT gain weight, especially if we can take a
brisk walk each day and/or bounce on a rebounder[mini-trampoline].

Some diets recommend drinking very little or no liquid with the
meal, allowing the digestive juices to do their work and not
overloading the stomach. It's never good for our systems to be
overloaded with food or liquid at one meal. Focusing on how the
stomach feels when we are eating helps.

The following is the diet plan given in pages 2 through 4 in "The OIL-
PROTEIN DIET COOKBOOK" plus later writings by Dr. Budwig that are in
the files of this group. Total calories for each meal or juice are
in brackets with the full total at the bottom. Calories were
determined from the food containers or research on the web.

BEFORE BREAKFAST: 8oz. Sauerkraut Juice-----------[50 calories.]

JUST BEFORE BREAKFAST- Warm Green tea or herbal tea to help the
flaxseeds in the breakfast mixture swell. [0 calories]

The Flaxseed oil-cottage cheese mixture(fo/cc) ratio:
Each tablespoon (15 ml) of Flaxseed Oil (FO) is mixed with 2 or
more tablespoons of low-fat Quark [a cheese well-known in Germany]
or low-fat Cottage Cheese (CC). That is a fo/cc ratio of 1:2.

BREAKFAST: 3 tbs Flaxseed Oil(Barlean's-120 cal/tbs)=360 calories
6tbs low-fat cottage cheese(using Nancy's brand)about 80 calories
2 tbs. milk------------------------------------10
4 tbs ground flaxseeds-[it's 2tbs whole seeds-100
1/2 cup berries--------------------------------40
1/2 c other fruit-approx calories--------------40
1 tbs. walnuts or Brazil nuts------------------50
1 tsp. honey-----------------------------------20
TOTAL BREAKFAST CALORIES-----------------------------[707]

MID-MORNING -Freshly pressed vegetable juices: Carrot juice, Beet
juice, Celery mixed with lemon, etc.------------------[50]

OUTDOOR EXERCISE & SUNLIGHT. Sun on the skin is very healthful.

BEFORE LUNCH- 2 Tbs ground flaxseeds stirred into a glass of
sparkling wine or Champagne. [Dr. Budwig didn't explain why she added
these drinks but said they are important]------------[113]

LUNCH: Raw Vegetables with FO/CC Salad Dressing
FO/CC Salad Dressing includes -[RECIPE CAN VARY]
2 tbs. FO---------------240
2 tbs low fat CC-------- 14
1 tbs apple cider vinegar 6
Various spices can be added - dill, mustard, paprika
1 c raw vegetables-approx cal.--40

JUST BEFORE DESSERT: Warm green tea or herbal tea [ 0 ]
LUNCH DESSERT: Same as breakfast w/varied fruits-----[707]

MID-AFTERNOON -2 tblsp ground flaxseeds stirred into a glass of
sparkling wine or Champagne or 2 tblsp ground flaxseeds stirred into
a glass of freshly pressed vegetable juice.----------[113]


LATE AFTERNOON -2 tblsp ground flaxseeds stirred into papaya or fresh
pineapple juice [both have lots of healthful enzymes]-[113]

DINNER -Vegetables or Vegetable Soup, well spiced, with Oleolux and
nutritional yeast flakes added after cooking. Choices of cooked
grains-BUCKWHEAT or BUCKWHEAT GROATS (JB's top choice-digests well),
MILLET, Brown RICE,.LENTILS. BEANS, POTATO (JB's least favorite)

OLEOLUX is added to the starches AFTER COOKING & is made with virgin
coconut oil, flaxseed oil, garlic & onion [See file recipe or book]

1 c. cooked BUCKWHEAT groats--------155(JB's top choice-digests well),1523,71,00.html
1 c. cooked MILLET -----------------287,1523,72,00.html
1 c. cooked brown RICE--------------217,1523,103,00.html
1/2 c. cooked LENTILS---------------115,1523,99,00.html
1/2 c. cooked Black BEANS-----------114,1523,169,00.html
1 medium baked POTATO---------------133(JB's least favorite choice),1523,270,00.html
(Oil-Protein Diet,p.76, "potatoes are too heavy for sick...or mentally

If you rotate the STARCHES, AVERAGE CALORIES ARE--[170]

Green vegetables & broth to make a soup------------[50]

2 tbs. OLEOLUX are added to the starches - oleolux includes
1 tbs. virgin coconut oil-117
1 tbs. flaxseed oil-------120
garlic & onion in 2 tbs-----3

Red wine before bed--------------------------------[50]


This total of 2,623 calories is in the typical range of what is
recommended for the average adult. A brisk walk or jumping on a mini-
trampoline [rebounder] can use up some of those calories. You can
adjust it according to your particular size & need. Basically, this
diet is no more fattening than any healthy diet. And, as Wilhelm has
pointed out, good fats help to metabolize calories instead of storing
them. If you need to lose weight, be sure that you are not eating
anything beyond these recommendations. If you do not need to lose
weight and need more food, Dr. Budwig recommends raw milk cheese, raw
walnuts and Brazil nuts, figs and dates as snacks. But do not add
these snacks if you want to lose weight. Drink more herbal tea
instead. Remember to avoid all foods that are forbidden: hydrogenated
& trans fats which are in many commercial snacks, animal fats,
preservatives in many packaged foods, sugar, and chemicals.


Section 1 - Creative and Compatible Foods
You can become creative with the foods in the diet. If you are sad about
not having bacon and eggs with others at breakfast or certain traditional
recipes, read this message by Janice Argiro:

"I changed all that by becoming really creative with the compatible
foods. I plan to make my foods look and smell wonderful too.

Cinnamon rolls can be substituted with some nice whole grain bread
topped with honey and cinnamon. Coffee can be substituted with some
Roma,....a bit of "cream" will be fine, sweetened with stevia.
["Cream" refers to blended flax oil and quark or cottage cheese.]

You can have orange juice or a nice fruit cup. Or you could have a
small serving of whole grain rice cereal with banana's/strawberries
and milk. Some hot oatmeal would work too if that's you're preference.
Making a really nice "chocolate pudding" FOCC cream topped with some ground
walnuts served in a sundae dish could be your main course. [Remember that
Dr. Budwig allowed pure chocolate as a flavoring. Avoid any with sugar.]
You don't always have to have your FOCC with ground seeds and fruit mixed
all together.

A nice parfait cup can be used to layer a lemon or orange FOCC cream in
between layers of banana's or berries. Strawberry parfaits are nice
too , vanilla 'cream' layered with strawberries...yum!!!! Another one
of my favorites is chocolate 'cream' layered with banana's.

When I see a really pretty dessert dish, I pick it up!!! We eat with
our eyes. When I feel deprived, I make something that looks really
luscious for dessert.

Change it up...make some dips with the cream. Use toasted bread sticks
for dipping or veggies.

If you like Italian, make some cheese filling with the FOCC cream. I always
thought that ricotta cheese wasn't a good "occasional substitute".
Through research I have found out that it is "now" made from milk and
not from whey as the name "Ricotta" (twice cooked), indicates. It
absorbs the oil really, really well. I let it come to room temp,
mix it with some oil and grated cheese. Pre-Heat your serving bowl and
layer with very hot whole grain pasta and sauce. When you make your
sauce, put some aside, and add meat to the rest.

Make some really nice flaxoil/oleolux sauces that can be poured over
rice or potatoes and veggies. Use flavors you like, whether it be soy,
cheese, spices, vinegar, wine, brandy etc...whatever you like!!! Just
whisk them up quickly on the side. Just leave out the meat on your

You can still have some nice milk based "chowders"..just use potatoes,
onion and lots of garlic. Put yours to the side and then add the
clams or fish before serving the family.

Minestrones are fabulous in the winter...before serving the family,
put your portion aside, mix well with a whisked flaxoil sauce in
a pre-heated bowl. (That's one think I still use the microwave for..
to preheat my bowl, although it can be done easily in the toaster oven)

I find that if I cook once, putting my "compliant" portion aside,
before making "non-compliant" additions, I don't feel left out.
I have a really nice "parfait" for dessert. I make the cream when
I'm done with the rest of my preparations, and stick it in the
freezer, before I sit down to eat. After dinner, it's cold and

I really love chocoate creams with fruit flavor additions, such
as orange or cherry and sometimes I use peppermint. You can make ice
cream too, but I prefer my cream cold rather than frozen."
Section 2 - Compatible Supplements
Dr. Budwig said that natural foods and supplements are acceptable.
Some that our members have used successfully are the following:
Apricot Kernals, BarleyMax, Essiac Tea, Cod liver oil & Sunlamps.
ELDI oils and Flax oil for enemas and skin rubs as well as packs
are used.

Members' Messages on these topics:
1] Apricot kernals [or seeds]:

On May 31, 2008, Georgeta wrote:

You eat the kernel of the seed.
Here is from dictionary what the kernel is: a softer usually edible
part of a nut, seed, or fruit stone contained within its hard shell.

You can purchase the seeds online from different sites. Here is one of
them selling 1 Lb air-dried organic for $13.49, which is a good price.

Be aware that fresh seeds are the best. Really fresh are the ones you
get after eating your apricot and break the seed to get the kernel.
And here you can get some good information regarding apricot kernels
and a lot more regarding cancer:

Apricot seeds are compliant with Budwig protocol because they are
natural food. However, Dr. Budwig recommended BALANCE, so they
probably should not be consumed in excess.
2] BarleyMax

On May 7, 2008, Janice Aguiro wrote:
I take BarleyMax everyday, once per day. Powders are not generally a
compliant item, however that I take is acceptable because there are
no additives whatsoever, just pure barley grass. You must be careful
because lots of powders contain vitamins, minerals and other
additives such as fillers and sweetners.
"Unlike some other barley grass products, BarleyMax contains no
Maltodextrin, which is a plus for people who are sensitive to this
preservative or who suffer from conditions that affect blood sugar.
Our extensive studies show the superior enzymatic activity in
BarleyMax does not diminish for lack of Maltodextrin.
BarleyMax is grown on certified organic farms, and contains no
additives or fillers. It is a 100% pure juice powder that promotes
detoxification and is a rich source of anti-oxidants."
3] Essiac Tea

One website that one member uses for ordering Essiac Tea.

Another member uses this site for ordering.
Check out for 4-Herb Essiac Tea information and
testimonials. I have used this formula for several years with good results.
The sites owner/naturopath is willing to answer your questions and is very picky
about using non-irradiated/pure herbs. Good Luck! Patty

A 3rd member writes:
uses the formula as stated in the McPherson affidavit.

I'm making my own using herbs purchased from Mountain Rose
Herbs. I am very impressed by their customer service and product
visual quality (pharmacological? - that's the rub with all herbs). On
an equivalent basis, my ingredient cost is $44.67US versus $82.50US
from Blessed Herbs. Assuming similar quality ingredients and my time
and skill to measure and mix, the Blessed Herbs tea is reasonably
priced in my opinion. Mike

4] Cod Liver Oil for Vitamin D and Sunlamps

Sandra Olson wrote:

Here's more info on what to do in winter when not in the sun:

Sperti makes several small tanning lamps
- they work quite well on many diseases which medicine has NO
cure for like eczema/psoriasis as well as most cancers.

The Sperti only requires about 1 or 2 - 10 minute exposures
depending on distance to the bulb and amount of skin exposed.
UVB bulbs intensity drops off rapidly with distance to
where there is virtually no effect after 2 to 3'.
Still nothing can replicate the total balances of Sunlight.
Besides that information, consider adding CLO for the winter:
A good quality UNPROCESSED Cod Liver Oil helps with vitamin D.
Rick & Wilhelm have recommended Olde World Icelandic Cod Liver Oil,
which is cold pressed.
Wilhelm =====================================================================